So after months of writing away on my play 'Coal Dust', i finally had the first scene read out loud, script in hand style, by a group of Actors and writers at the W.M.C writing group. The Women of Mass creation writers group is a female only group focused on uplifting and inspiring women to write female and BAME centric work.
I was so bloody nervous to go to the group as only myself and my boyfriend Tyler have read my play, and he has to say its good (well, if he knows whats good for him he will).
The structure of the group was set up so 6 writers brought a 10 minute scene, they selected from the pool of writers and actors the people they would like to read, then they would read the scene and then there would be a 10 minute feedback session.
I was second and nearly peed myself with fear, but once the ladies started reading i was completely overwhelmed by how proud i felt that they were reading something little old me had created. As they read through the scene there were lots of moments that needed editing and changing but all in all i was so happy with the way it sounded, and so happy the moments of comedy landed- that would have been awkward if not!
The group gave me amazing feedback ,saying how much they loved the piece and how relatable the scene was and well rounded all the characters were! I was so choked up at how supportive the women were, some of which came up to me after wanting to connect and be apart of the piece! Unreal! It has totally given me the push i needed to get act two finished, unfortunately not in time for the Bruntwood prize, but next time, next time!!